Monday, May 3, 2010


We just returned from a quick jaunt to a place that will always be very near and dear to my heart, Milwaukee. Because, as Rob says, "We drive. It's what we do". So, we knew it was time for a road trip.

I moved to Milwaukee just out of college with my first job as an assistant buyer. Being a Badger by birth, a move back to Wisconsin was right up my alley, and I absolutely loved it. There is SO much to do there. In our 10 years, we had so many significant things happen—first job, we got married, first house, and we had both of our kids there. I remember weekends where Rob and I would have at least 4 great options for the weekend, like a summer festival, a baseball game, or an event at the zoo. There is always a festival going on in the summer, and no matter where you go in Wisconsin, there is always beer. I remember our first church fish fry when we moved to Indianapolis—I asked where the beer was and they looked at me like I was a heathen. Same thing with the state fair— where's the beer? Sorry ma'am, not here. This is the state fair. Really, I don't have a problem, I just like a cold beer.

Which segues me right into our trip to Milwaukee this last weekend. This was the first beer I enjoyed on our trip:
Schlitz. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. Can you believe they still make this stuff? Didn't Laverne and Shirley work at Schlitz? I don't know, our host, Scott said something about how they just started making it again or something. They sure haven't done much in the way of updating their look, that's all I know. But, I love beer, and I will drink any kind of beer, so I was game.

Apparently, the trip wore Luke out. Guess he could sleep just about anywhere.

Saturday, we drove around downtown and stopped by the lake to walk on the beach and feel the water. Brr. We confirmed it's still mighty cold in Lake Michigan.

Luke, Jack and the lovely Ried girls, Isabel and Gabrielle

Saturday night, we went to a beer and wine tasting, and having indulged in Smithwicks for dinner, I stuck to the beer at the tasting. Mmm mm good.

So, after a weekend full of beer, donuts, and other assorted sundries, m'lady is not feeling too svelte and attractive right about now.

Or, in the words of the authors of Skinny Bitch,
Of course, it's easier to socialize after you've had a few drinks. But being a fat pig will hinder you, sober or drunk. And habitual drinking equals fat-pig syndrome. Beer is for frat boys, not skinny bitches. It makes you fat, bloated, and farty.
Amen sisters. Just tell it like it is. So tomorrow, back to the diet attempts.

Thanks to our friends, the Rieds, for your hospitality and friendship. It's always nice to add another layer to our years of memories and experiences together.

1 comment:

  1. What I fun trip back "home". Cut yourself some slack on the beer, girl, after a long car ride with kids, beers are a necessity- not an option!!! Besides, you were workin it Laverne and Shirley style!!!


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