Sunday, May 9, 2010

King and Queen

Rob was King yesterday, and I was Queen today.

It doesn't happen this way too often, but we celebrated the King's birthday yesterday, and today, of course, was the Queen's Day. We always try to do whatever the other person wants to do on special days and wait on them hand and foot to create the best day possible for the other.

Yesterday, Rob opened his day with golf, his favorite pasttime. Nevermind that it was 41 degrees. Seriously. He had to wear long underwear under his jeans, in May.
Here's the boys singing Happy Birthday to Daddy...

Yup, those are candles in a pecan pie. Mmm mmm.

That was followed by a soccer game for Jack, and a babysitter last night so we could go see a movie, Iron Man 2,  and have a drink. (Which, by the way, 3 year olds do not belong at. Come on people. Get a babysitter, don't drag a 3 year old into a movie with lots of shooting and explosions. We wouldn't even take a 6 almost 7 year old to this). Images once inside a child's head cannot be removed. Side soapbox there.

Finally we have a recent picture of the two of us!

Today we went to church and then to a park for a picnic, my favorite pasttime. 

Then we zipped home to work on the dirt pile garden where I so fervently stare and try to will something to grow soon besides dandelions. I now have asparagus, potatoes, onions, carrots and lettuce planted. Another week or so for the rest according to local gardeners, when we can hope that frost warnings are past us and we are safe. Tonight, a movie of my choice, and back scratches and foot rubs to boot.

Aah, I love to be queen for a day.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Please do tell Robbie happy belated Birthday from his TN fan club!

    Glad to hear you guys had a good weekend.


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