Friday, January 8, 2010

The tooth has arrived

Jack lost his first top tooth 1 year ago, January, 2009. That loss was quickly followed up by the loss of the other three on top, so Jack has had the toothless top look for close to a year with no sign of any new ones coming. Sooo, without further adeau, let me introduce Jack's new top tooth-FINALLY! This one's for you Aunt Heather; those bulging gums with no new teeth were of high concern to Aunt Heather so I knew you would be much relieved to know they are finally here and we won't have to surgically pull them down! I guess when you start getting your teeth at three months (OUCH! You know what I'm talking about!) it's no surprise to start losing them at 4. These new teeth are always large and awkward in little kids' mouths so should be interesting to see how it fits in!

On a sidenote, school was cancelled two days this week due to snow and cold. And yes, I did have to physically chip the ice chunks out of my eyebrows after snowblowing the driveway Thursday morning. But, you still have to admit, it is pretty beautiful...


  1. did you have frozen snot on your face like in the movie 'dumb and dumber'?? haha

  2. I SO would have had that frozen snot if it weren't for the full head/face mask I was wearing! Super attractive--stay tuned for pictures of THAT look in the future!

  3. YAY for Jack! I'm sure he was just as anxious, if not more, to get those teeth as Aunt Heather was. I can't wait to see what he looks like with them.
    And hey, we too had a snow day here in Memphis. We ended up with a bunch of kids at home who were unable to make even a snowball with the white dust we had on the ground. Good times!

  4. Yea Jack! Keep warm you guys!


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