Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Give thanks

It is really, really beautiful here right now. The kind of pretty that sort of takes your breath away. Due to whatever weather forces have to come together to make this happen , the trees are all standing in frozen attention and I can't stop taking pictures of it. These are the times you wish you had something other than a simple point and shoot camera, because you just can't capture it in photos. This started Saturday morning, and as soon as you think it can't get any more breathtaking, you wake up and it is even more stunning than the day before. I am sure the trees are groaning with the weight of the snow/ice on them, and I am sure any day now, the sun will pop out, it really will hit 30 degrees like the forecast insists it will, and it will all melt, but in the meantime, I just can't get enough of it.

I also want to include a word about my husband. About a month ago, I was at a White Elephant Christmas exchange with a bunch of women, and we were asked what we thought we were going to get for Christmas, and what we really wanted for Christmas. I was surprised at how many women wanted a project to be finished in their house... "I really want my basement bathroom to be finished", or, "I really want my bathroom to be painted". I guess I was surprised because I am lucky enough not to have that problem. My husband is a go-getter, or as my sister calls him, a "git r' done" sort of husband. If you give him a wish list, he tackles it like a Thanksgiving feast and it's done. Not only does he work really, really, hard at his job all day, but come the weekend, he will finish anything that needs done or is asked of him. And, that is really, really nice. So, I want to also give thanks for a really hardworking husband who helps keep this plantation running in tip-top shape.


  1. Great photos, Raquelita! Look at you,... simply stunning! It's a bit surreal to look at all that snow and ice when we are currently enjoying temps in the high 50's and low 60's.

    And yes, you are truly blessed to have a hubby who enjoys tackling all those projects. Scott's turned a new leaf since the new year and it's been kind of nice to have the extra help.

  2. Yes, one of the upsides of the blog is that I am taking more pictures, which I wanted to do anyways! Yea!


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