Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Time to Pray

Yesterday, I had a bad eating day. I mean, a really bad, pizza/donut/cookie/candy bar/beer sort of day. In fact, the gravity of the situation must have hit Jack when he saw me eating breakfast. I have taken the idea from both my mother and my friend Cindy, both of whom I have seen eating this before for breakfast, to eat what you want to eat even if that food doesn't "fit into" the stereotype of what you should eat for that particular meal. So, when Jack saw me eat pizza for breakfast yesterday, he said,

"I can't belive my own mother is eating pizza for breakfast."

Geez Jack, sorry to disappoint you so severely. I will work on that!

On another note, Luke has declared that he will not learn when he goes to school. No ifs, ands or buts, this one is settled. I told him then he would have to go to extra school if he refuses to learn at school, to which he replied he would not go to extra school either. So today, we toured a preschool that he will attend this fall since I don't feel he is quite ready for kindergarten. As we discussed it at lunch, he said that indeed he would not go to this preschool when he was 5, to which I replied, Yes, you will.

At this point, he found it necessary to drop his head into his hands and begin to pray: God, please don't make this be a big fight. I don't want to fight about going to preschool. Help us to not fight. Amen.

How perfect! Maybe sometimes they do learn from us despite how hard they might try not to learn!

He followed up his prayer by asking me,

"Is left quicker?"

You see folks, this is what I'm talking about with Luke. I am sure at some point in our lives, there was a conversation, which involved the fact that indeed, left might be quicker. However, the time and places these tidbits of conversations reemerge make it somewhat difficult to follow his train of thought. So, generally, my answer is "Luke, I don't know how to answer that."

Somehow I suspect the time will come soon where I will be told "Gee mom, you sure don't know many answers to my questions!", and I guess I would just have to say, "Luke, I don't know how to answer that."

1 comment:

  1. You got yourself a preacher, baby! Let us pray! That Luke is certainly one interesting, and stubborn, little bird. I'm sure he'll come around sometime,... even if he is the first 12 year old to go to Kindergarten. he he

    And just to help you out, tell him that yes, left is usually quicker. :)


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