Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The best day ever

Today was Jack's best day ever.

Now, this claim is thrown out there pretty easily. Maybe we have backwards day where dessert is first, or I let him pick out his clothes for school two days in a row. Suddenly, the day has become "the best day ever".

However, this really was a big day. Today was finally DS day. Jack has been dilligently saving his allowance, either $3 or $6 depending on how many chores on his list he completes for the week, in order to buy a DS and off himself from the "last kid to own a DS" list. So, since today was an early dismissal day, which meant Luke was at preschool and Jack and I had some alone time, we decided to hit the road and head to Target.

$120 finally accumulated in the saving cup-I'm ready to shop
Playing his very own DS for the first time-come to papa!

It was really fun to see his excitement build along with his savings, and then see it all come together with the purchase today. I hope the time it took to save the money, along with the fact that he paid for this himself, will encourage responsibility.

Last night as I was picking out his clothes for school, I chose a Life is Good shirt. He saw it and said, "Oh yeah, my Life is Good shirt, I love that one!", and then he looked at me, smiled, and said, "You know what, life is good."

Thanks for the reminder buddy, you are so right.


  1. I love days like that! When everyone is really grateful! I also love the look on Luke's face- When is it gonna be MY turn to play???

  2. Oh, that just melted my heart. How awesome to hear them make statements like that. Life is good, Jack!

  3. Yea Jack!
    Love - Noah, Jake & Avery


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