Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hey Hey Hey, look at that, if you leave your background unchanged for long enough eventually it's the right season again! Celebrate!

There are lots of reasons to be happy. Look at a few sunsets I've captured in our back yard since we've been here:

(They wanted a picture showing them pretending it was a tornado. Naturally.)
I have to admit, living in the plains of Indiana, we get pretty good sunrises and sunsets that I would not have seen in my Iowa hills. There are advantages to everything. But seriously, it is F.L.A.T. here. The wind gusts up against the house regularly. Jack had a hard time sleeping for a while because he wasn't used to hearing all of the wind that our old trees would block for us.
So, I think I've been doing a pretty good job focusing on the good. Honestly, I think I was all cried out before we left Iowa, so that once we arrived here, I was just ready to move forward. When we left Wisconsin for Indiana, I think I did it in the reverse. It all happened much more quickly so I really didn't have time to prepare emotionally for it, so it all hit me once we moved. I'm thinking the getting it over with before you go might be the best method, because then once you arrive, you are already heading forward. Either way, I can't explain it, but I am so thankful that I actually feel happy. Despite the fact that I have no friends but the ones I had before I LAST moved from Indiana, and I know no one at school, and I still have to Mapquest places I go sometimes, it's all ok. My kids are happy, we have a nice home to live in, and I am lucky to have this family and life so I think I just need to be grateful right now. Hats off to the Big Man for a thankful heart today.
P.S. I forgot to mention two other things I'm thanful for. I entered Food Heaven TWICE in the last 24 hours over two new products I tried. First of all, I am not really an ice cream person. It's the one sweet I could take or leave for the rest of my life. However, last night I was having a sugar craving, and being that ice cream was all there was in the house, I caved in and tried some Turkey Hill Stuff'd Junior Mint flavored "frozen dairy dessert". Whatever that is. Why doesn't it say ice cream on it? I have no idea. But oh my goodness. I went back for more. The whole thing tasted just like Junior Mints, not just the chunks. It was so delicious I might have cried a little.
Secondly, this morning I had a Thomas Pumpkin Spice bagel with cream cheese. I died. It was SOOOO good.


  1. Wow! Those sunsets are so beautiful; would make a beautiful greeting card! See ya soon!

    Mom Miller

  2. You have ME as a friend! :)

    Oh yeah, this is Heather. I just realized if I posted this as anonymous it would drive you crazy figuring out who sent it. And that would have been kind of funny!

  3. Gorgeous Rachel!!! Such a happy post - puts a smile on my face :) I miss you and wish I could come over for some bagels and ice cream at your new house!! So happy to see Rob in the tree-hunting picture! So he does get SOME time with you. and btw - Josie is the cutest strawberry EVER!!!!


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