Friday, September 16, 2011

The wisdom of children

This year, Luke has a classmate who has Downs Syndrome in his class. The special education teacher asked me when I was subbing as an aide last week if he'd mentioned anything about her, which I said, he had not. She had a talk with the class to help articulate how sometimes people are different than us, but that is ok, as the teacher had mentioned that some of the kindergarteners would just look at her as if trying to figure out what exactly was "different" about her.

So, the other day I asked Luke if there was anyone in his class that he thought was "different" from him, just to see if he'd even noticed, and his response was, "All of us are different, silly mom!"

Priceless. I couldn't have said it better myself. If only we adults accepted others that are "different" from us in such stride the world would be a much simpler place, wouldn't it?

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