Thursday, September 8, 2011

Daily Five

*Well, the honeymoon is over in terms of information I get by the 2nd week of school. We were suspicious that the daily answers were becoming scripted, and proved that theory right when Rob came home from work on Labor day and asked the boys how school was. Luke said, Awesome! It was great. Jack said, Good! So think anyone is really listening to that question and answering it with meaning anymore? I think not!

*I'm suffering  a beastly cold which is really knocking me to the curb. Being pregnant and having a cold are both entities of their own and combining them both is fierce.

*I received great personal satisfaction today baking my own French loaves of bread. Kneading the dough, watching it rise and smelling it bake-heavenly. And, the finished product looked and tasted just like you buy in the stores. Worth the two hours from start to finish.

*I'm preparing to add in to a friend's garage sale on Saturday. I have found that I am extremely emotionally attached to the kids baby/toddler clothing and this has been a difficult parting process. This really shouldn't be a surprise since I have a hard time parting with things in general/letting go of the past, but every piece I fold and slap a 50 cent price tag on is paining me as I wrestle with memories of my little boy in that piece of clothing. It's just clothing, let it go.... my realistic side tells me that when they grow up and get married, their wives are not going to be excited with my handing over a tote full of their clothes from their youth so no need to save much. But still..... my heart be still.

*On a final note, speaking of pregnancy, the size and strength of this little gal is astounding. You have to agree, she must be a pretty tough cookie to have made it this far. This proves itself daily with moves like:

I'm getting the living hell kicked out of me regularly. It's not like a gradual slow stretch where it feels like an elbow here or there, it's like a full on tai kwon do move where my stomach actually vibrates with the movement. And it's over and over again. My friend Liz insists it must be a preparation to be a little sister to two big brothers. Getting a little self defense on. You go girl. Just take it easy around 5:30 a.m. every day. Mama's still tired.

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