Saturday, September 17, 2011

On the topic of stupidity...

Thank you all for your words of support and endorsement of my new "baby got back" from my earlier post. My cry out for sympathy garnered more comments (5!) than my lil' ol blog has ever received so that was fun. {Even one comment from someone I couldn't identify! Wow, I've made it big time now, huh?}

Now that I've embarked on my third trimester, I expect the comments to begin escalating. Here's my comment for yesterday as I checked out at the grocery:
Her: "You look uncomfortable."
Me: "Do I?" (I quickly do a self inventory of my current expression. Was I grimacing? Limping? Holding my belly up with my hands like a halter strap? Nope, none of those. In fact, I was feeling quite spry on my feet at the moment. Apparently I didn't look spry.)
Her: "Oh, I guess I'm just remembering being pregnant, I had three. You never forget!"
Me: "Yeah, I still have some time to get uncomfortable. I'm not there yet."

So, back to the topic of stupidity. Listen, I will never claim that I am very in tune with my body. Unlike my mother, who notices if she grew two extra arm hairs overnight, or my sister, who claims she can feel the ovulation process every month, this apple fell far from that there tree. I assume if something was massively wrong I would realize it, but I'm not counting on myself to find it fast.

So, on that note, as I lay in bed this morning during the a.m. baby black belt training, I got to thinking. You know those stories that crop up on the news once a year or so, about a woman who goes to the hospital claiming intense abdominal pain, and then GASP she gives birth without even realizing she was pregnant?


I'm sorry, but how is this actually possible? Even if you don't notice the heartburn, weight gain, achy sides or constipation, can you honestly NOT feel anything moving around INSIDE your own body? This would have to be the one thing I really couldn't write off. Hmm, I'm not sure doctor, I have a hard time pooping, I am going through Tums like chewing gum, and I've gained 25 pounds, but naturally, that's of no concern to me. I am, however, feeling a small creature leap and tumble inside of me. Any thoughts on that?

Whew. But, in the words of a wise sage, "All of us are different, silly mom!" And I guess that's what makes the world so interesting.

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