Friday, March 15, 2013

My take on salads

I just had this feeling today, that others are sitting there nervously tapping their toes and asking, but what does Rachel think about salads? What's her take on them? How does she deal with them? So here's my thoughts.

I'm supposed to eat a salad every day. So I have been, eating a salad, every day with lunch. Blah blah blah. Lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers if I'm organized. Fine, but nothing too exciting. And then.... da da da...............I discovered some new crunchy toppings that are making my salads the thing I most look forward to eating each day. Now, by discovered, I didn't invent these things people, zip up your jacket. I just started adding them and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crunch it's added, not to mention all of the feel good endorphins zinging through my body as I hear the echoes of Dr. Oz touting the health benefits of said additions. So now, I still start with the lettuce--I have been buying a big one lb tub of Simple Truth Organic Baby Spring Mix-a medley of baby lettuces with frisee and radicchio, from Kroger for $4.99. What I love is that there's a lot of lettuce in there; it's really packed in tight, and lasts a long time, plus the pieces are all really small and with just a quick rip in half as I drop it in my bowl, it's ready to go. Or, you don't have to rip it, but I like to not have to deal with cutting anything or pieces hanging out of my mouth as I chew all salad dressingy and messy. Then, I add tomatoes, diced bell pepper, and cucumbers if I have them. The finishing touches come with adding a teaspoon of flax seed and chia seeds, as well as a tablespoon of sunflower seeds, and either dried roasted peas, or pumpkin seeds, or wasabi soy nuts. Add 1 1/2 tbs of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing, and I am so happy. It is so good, crunchy and healthy tasting, I really do look forward to it.

If I'm feeling especially decadent, or I'm making this my whole meal, I will add 1/4-1/2 diced avacado, or some thin sesame sticks. If I'm particularly on the ball, I might have some hard boiled eggs to cut up on there as well. Ooh yummy.

Now go rediscover your salad!

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