Sunday, February 3, 2013

I feel like I haven't posted any pictures lately so here's a few.

Also, I didn't update from Tuesday's Jenny Craig meeting which I know everyone is dying to hear about.
Lost: 1.8
Cumulative Loss: 9.1

I would love to hit the 10 pound mark this coming Tuesday but I am nervous. Although I did get some extra activity in (we painted two bedrooms last week. Waahooey!), I also ate more. Primarily the binge Saturday night in front of the pantry. I am not proud but I am honest. I just had a moment of wanting everything in there, so I did a pantry sampling that had to add up to at LEAST 500 calories which was unplanned and left me with much regret. So I am a bit nervous about this coming Tuesday which is a first since I have started. Aargh. But, in the spirit of looking on the bright side, this was my first big mistake in a month since starting, and I can guarantee if I wasn't on track to do something about my weight, this would have already happened several times and I would be worse off than I was before.

Ok, so enough of that, here's the pictures for the week.
I don't think I ever posted the all the cousins at Christmas photo did I? The master plan was for all of the girls to have pink on but it didn't quite work out so just work with me here.

Josie has started doing some chores....

as well as working out regularly....

like big brother who is playing basketball, which is giving him exercise, and his brother something to complain about having to go to every week....

love a babe in overalls....

And finally, I leave you Josie's new look, dubbed "old man face"


  1. Always look forward to the photos! Great! Good luck on the Jenny Craig program - 1 lb at a time is better than none at all!

    Mom Miller

  2. hilarious Josie pics. So excited for your weight loss! It took me a heck of a lot longer to hit 10 lbs! xoxo h


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