Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 2 JC Results

Ok, I promise that going forward my only blog entries will not be dieting results, but it just so happens that I haven't done anything since my last entry on this topic!

Week 2 is under my belt.............
Cumulative: -7.3
This past week was a little tougher, I felt a little hungrier or maybe struggled a bit with not eating what others were eating that looked good. I went out to a restaurant for the first time while on the plan, and ordered linguine with chicken and pesto. I used an old Weight Watchers trick and asked for a to-go box and put over half of the food into the box before I started to eat, and that seemed to work pretty well for me.
Another interesting aspect of this program is the armband piece. You can sign up under different levels, and I chose the most expensive version they call "metabolic max", which includes an armband that you wear pretty much around the clock. Apparently this armband is being used on the Biggest Loser too (full disclosure--armband is an NBC company so go figure), but anyway, it has been really quite fascinating to see what data it collects. It claims to capture 9,000 data points per minute or something crazy like that, keeping track of your calories burned, steps taken, and even the amount and quality of your sleep at night. You input the food you eat each day, and then it gives you a "calorie deficit" for the day, since you know you need to burn 3500 more calories than you consume to lose a pound in a week. You can then print out a 4 page report at the end of the week to analyze how you did on all the parameters, including % of carbs, fat, sodium intake, etc.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the armband, you can read more here. The armband is separate from Jenny Craig, anyone can use it.
I'm finding that the shelf ready foods which do not need to be refrigerated/frozen all seem to have the same thick, orange, pasty "Chef Boyardee" quality to them so I would definitely steer towards the freezer version of the foods. Otherwise, I am pretty happy with the food taste, and am actually surprised that with the food all being prepackaged food that they are able to keep it within the sodium levels recommended each day (which I was able to verify as one of my armband data collection points!)
Overall, I can tell I've lost a few pounds although it's not enough for anyone else to tell yet, and I am happy to be nearing the next 'decade' of weight.


  1. Woo Hoo!!! Way to go, girl! I'm so very proud of you!

    The arm band seems to be right up your alley... I think all that data and printing and analyzing would overwhelm the heck out of me.

    Keep up the good work, sister!!!

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss; every pound is of great excitement; I know you will do it! Good luck!

  3. Way to go!! You are well on your way to a thinner, healthier, happier you! Keep up the good work.


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