Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thoughts about, or in, a van

The other day, I was driving who knows where with the kids. We have this rockin' radio station that plays 80's all day every day. I LOVE IT. I have no desire to learn of any new music because I SO love the 80's. So that song, More Than Words, comes on.
Remember that one?
Two long haired guys sitting on stools with their guitars, just singin' this sad song?
So, naturally, I start belting it at the top of my lungs.
And the boys couldn't have put their headphones on fast enough to drown me out. No words were spoken, aside from GET ME MY HEADPHONES! and then they were good.
It made me laugh.
You know those plexiglass screens in taxi cabs that separate the driver from the people in the back? There's just that square sliding window that's open to talk through, and you can even slide that closed if you want to.
I think that would be a great invention for mini vans.
I actually fantasize about this some days.
I mean, really, fantasize about how awesome it would be if I could just reach back and slide that plexiglass divider closed when the noise gets overbearing. I have tried to think about how it would work. Then I wonder if automakers were mothers of small kids, if it would've have already been invented already.
Or, maybe it just seems "mean".
Well, maybe I'm just sayin' what others sometimes think but won't admit. 
Just think of the possibilities—have to call your doctor's office? Want to have a private any sort of conversation with your husband? Don't want to listen to that movie again?
How perfect would it be?
I know you secretly want one too.
Have you ever seen the Swagger Wagon video, emphasizing the coolness of driving a minivan?

You must watch it. I think I peed myself a little when Liz showed it to me.


  1. I LOVE the Swagger Wagon video! It makes me laugh so hard each and every time I have watched it- at least five times now. So funny!

  2. Yes, I agree. I don't care if it's mean or not, it's to their benefit that we remain sane. You should look into that. I'm telling you, you will make MILLIONS!
    Love me some swagger wagon! What can I say,... we're cool like that!

  3. Jason and I always talk about inventing that plexiglass thing for suv's/ minivans!! But we are too lazy/dumb. Frankly, I am surprised it hasn't been invented yet!!


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