Friday, August 20, 2010

First day

Tuesday was the first day of school. I must say I've been ready for this. I think the boys need new things to occupy themselves. I think I'll be a better, more organized, healthier and happier mom. I hope that by getting all of my "stuff" done earlier in the day, I can be more present for them when they are home.

Really, the hardest part of the first day wasn't the being apart, though it felt different. The hardest part is letting them back into a world where you are not in control. You don't know who they talk to or what is said to them. You can't control who they hang out with or bad words or behavior they witness. You aren't there to say, "Say thank you! Say please! Excuse us!" when they don't use their manners. You can only hope and trust that the little people you are forming will be educated enough and strong enough to weather those challenges in the best way possible on their own. And hope that whatever they might hear/see/experience that bothers or challenges them will be shared with you so you can help them find their way.

I'm a 2nd grader!

Luke's in a preschool that's modeled much like kindergarten but less sit down/focus time


  1. Oh! How precious, those school days. Hard to let go but a much learning experience for all. Thanks for the pictures.


  2. Yes! The hardest part of letting go is trusting that they will retain your values and morals you've instilled in them the along the way. And coming to the realization that they will be exposed to certain inappropriate things that are out of our control but hopefully we have equipped them to handle.
    I think "Let Go and Let God." is going to be my mantra for this school year. I have done my best, and I have to give it to God!

  3. It is hard to let go, isn't it? Luke starts tomorrow and I am having a harder time with it than I thought I would. It is sad to realize that he will now be spending more of his day with his teacher than with me. Allie, I like your mantra. Rachel, the boys look so cute in their first day pictures!


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