Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Picking raspberries

I so enjoyed picking raspberries yesterday. They are so warm and juicy right off the vines. None of Luke's made his basket, and Jack only picked a handful before he petered out due to the heat and being tired.

Were we this wimpy to the heat when we were kids? I thought I remember being impervious to heat as a child. Faulty recollection, or are kids a little wimpier nowadays?

Luke and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I told him I'd bring him back sometime just he and I to do it again.

On a sidenote, I spoke to the man who runs this farm about possibly doing some marketing for him. We'll see what comes of that...
My garden continues to give me just enough to not give up on it yet. The cucumbers are prolific; I had 15 on my counter yesterday. What to do with them? I gave some away and tickled my domestic bones today in the kitchen. I made a cucumber salad, a loaf of banana bread, and 4 loaves of zucchini bread using my neighbors equally prolific zucchini.
I picked another bucket of green beans and made them for dinner with butter, soy sauce and toasted sesame seeds. All of us but Luke love them that way.
I cut up some of my carrots, but only had enough to fill half of a small ziplock to snack on. They are really small.
The potato plants look completely dead so I'll have to do some digging and see if anything's under there. I dug up one hill last week and got two potatoes.
The meager attempts the corn made at producing gave way to the critters so we'll have no corn.
I've only had one tomato and 3 cherry tomatoes.
The basil and parsley are really nice, I'll have to dry some.

How come every day after I work in the garden my hair ends up looking like Hermey the Dentist from Rudolph?

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahah! Love it, Hermey! I LOVE IT! Thanks for the laugh. What a great way to start my busy day!


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