Sunday, August 15, 2010

The rest of the fun week

I had high hopes of documenting our adventures day by day to savor each one individually, but here we are, it's Sunday, and you're gettin' the whole enchilada.

Wednesday our adventure was getting new carpet in the basement. I'm so excited. Pictures on that later.

Thursday's adventure involved an "aquatics center". Basically a pool on steroids. It was super hot so it seemed like a good place to go that day. However the boys were fighting on the way so we almost didn't go. I was on the phone, and had asked them three times to quiet down and stop fighting so I could hear (plexiglass divider anyone?). So, I pulled over, off the highway, and sat on the shoulder.
And didn't say anything.
I just sat there.
Until they both started crying.
And Jack asked me if I was asleep.
(Wouldn't that be a classic move? Just sit there till you fall asleep? Note to future self.)
And what I really probably SHOULD have done is turn around, like I threatened, to really teach a good lesson in doing what I ask.
But it still seemed effective. The thought that I might turn around and go home made them both not say a word the rest of the way.
I hate to have to do this.
It really takes away the fun.
But should you have to ask them to stop fighting, three times, when you are taking them to an aquatics center for the day for God's sake?

So anyway, we got there, and had a lot of fun.
But this place has so many rules, and they are strictly enforced.
First, no food allowed, so I am telling the kids to eat their snacks secretively so no one who works there notices. I'm sorry— I am a rule follower, so this really bugs me to encourage my kids to sneak around. But why should I be forced to have them snack on the junk that they sell like candy and ice cream when I am bringing in fruit, cheese and raisins?
Then, you have to have your legs just so on the raft in the lazy river or you get whistled at. Running? Forget about it.
And then, I'm taking one of the below pictures, of my own kids frolicing at the aquatics center, and they tell me if I want to take pictures, I have to register at the front to do so, so they know who is there taking pictures.
So once again, I broke the rules and took a few more pictures. Without registering to take pictures. Of my own kids.
Crazy. But despite the rules, we had lots of fun. And all 3 came home totally wiped out.


Friday was Kids Casino Day Chuck E Cheese day.
I actually don't hate this place entirely, if you happen to hit it just right on a quiet afternoon when no one is there.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case on Friday, and it was loud, and busy.
Jack cannot even focus on one full sentence I say when he is in this environment.
Really, the only thing to differentiate this place from a real casino is the types of drinks offered, the lack of cigarette smoke, and the fact that Chuck's has windows.

Loud, garish sticky carpet?
No clock on the walls anywhere?
Flashing lights and dinging sounds everywhere?
Glazed over eyes in front of machines, sweaty palms grasping for that last token/coin?
Leaving with empty pockets and feeling of despair?
Check. Well, you DO get the takeaway pictures of yourself in Chuck's car. So you do leave with SOMETHING.
But for that one hour it took to go through 30 tokens each, they sure enjoyed themselves.


Saturday we went exploring. I LOVE exploring. We decided to drive around Cedar Rapids, a.k.a. Cedar Rabbits to Luke. We drive past it all of the time but never have ventured in. I'm sorry to say I was underwhelmed. There seemed to be no sign of life anywhere on a sunny Saturday afternoon, save for a few people in bars here or there. It didn't leave me inspired to visit anytime soon.

Next, we drove by Iowa City, which being a college town, seemed much more alive and vibrant.

Our evening destination after stopping by a park for a dinner picnic was a drive-in movie. This one was really my pick. I LOVE drive-in movies.

I love old people. I love drive-in movies. I love drive-in restaurants like A&W drive-in or Sonic. I love black and white movies, old classic cars, and Country Magazine.

I guess I just love things that remind of yesteryear and a simpler time.

There are only 3 drive-in movies still operating in Iowa, and tonight's visit makes two that we've frequented.  It was perfect. It was in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a cornfield. The night couldn't have been nicer.
We were even treated to hangliders who went back and forth over the field and waved at us. We even saw a shooting star during the movie. It was great. We got home at almost 1 am afterwards but it was still worth it.

We finished off our list tonight with a fire and smores. Two smores each per Jack's request.

My sister thinks this idea rocked, to fill a week with tons of fun things right before summer end. That way, with a kid's short term memory as it is, when asked how their summer was, they will say, It was the BOMB!
Never thought of that but I guess it is pretty ingenious.

Goodbye summer. You were too fleeting but oh so sweet.


  1. Great job, Mama!
    You deserve a purple heart for toting the kids around in all this heat! I was laughing when I read about you pulling off to the side of the road until the boys stopped fighting. My Mom used to do that all the time when my sister and I fought. Except she would make us get out of the car to scare the crap out of us. I like the fake sleep method better. :)
    Even if the boys don't tell you, I'm sure they will remember all those times with you this summer.

  2. Your blogs always make me laugh! Good job cramming it all in! I am going to try the pull-off-the-road method when they fight-right now the stop-and-pray-out-loud-REALLY LOUD-method works well, stops them in their tracks every time when I start asking for patience to get through the day. xoxo


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