Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Could it be any colder? And it's only early December. But it's already the kind of cold that makes me wear my fuzzy "at home socks" full time and always leave my coat on for at least an hour after arriving at my destination. So I guess I have sort of been in hibernation lately. Somehow, I can keep up on things like Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry's split (I know, right? I didn't even know they were dating either!), or Mariah Carey's baby bump (Barf! She's so annoying!) but I can't keep on up all the rest. Sad, sad state of affairs. Do not sign up for People daily email updates if you are afflicted with a sickness like mine where you think you need to know these things. Really. There isn't truly room in my brain for this muck.

I saw 17 deer in a field this weekend. I don't think I have ever seen that many in one place before.

I made butternut risotto tonight. It was fantastic. I love risotto but it is pretty time consuming to make.

What's that? You asked if there was a theme to my ramblings? I didn't know that was a requirement.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to my dear ol' dad today. Awww, isn't  he cute? Cheers to the eternally young at heart. Love ya Pops.

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