Sunday, September 12, 2010

The blessing of running over a bike

Though our garage seems large enough to house a small factory now, our previous garage did not afford us such luxuries. It was very difficult to fit two cars into it, and in summer, when all of the kids riding/swimming/large toys came down from the attic, one car was always relegated to the driveway.

In one of those tight squeeze attempts to get the car in, I accidentally ran over one of the training wheels on Jack's bike one day. Though still useable, this bending of those wheels led to very little reliance on the training wheels, unbeknownst to Jack. Therefore, he was actually riding a bike essentially without training wheels much sooner than he knew it. So, when the day came to fly like the wind and take those crutches off, he did so as if he'd always been riding a bike.

Well, today was Luke's big day. He's done his training using that same mangled bike, so I had high hopes that removing those wheels would pose little problems, and I was right. We took them off, gave him a little push, and he was on his way in no time, with no accidents.

So, the moral to my little story is this: it's funny how sometimes the same things we curse at when they happen turn out to actually be blessings in disguise.


  1. I love that moral!!
    Go Luke GO!!!

  2. Hey! Great job Luke! You are one of the big boys now!!!!!!!!


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