Monday, September 30, 2013

A few more tidbits

I have a few more bits I collected from the Happiness Project that I wanted to pass along. I think they are interesting concepts.

*Try a week of extreme nice. Choose a person you would like to try this on, and try to do all you can to be extremely nice in all you say and do for them. This would be very interesting and I think would show you how much more you could do or say to show your love for them when you are being very deliberate about it.

*Fog happiness. This term means a feeling of happiness you get from something in your life, that when closely examined doesn't really seem to bring you any happiness at all, yet somehow it does. An example given was throwing a party-when you look at all it takes to actually get it together, it's hard to say for many that you loved doing it as you executed the details of making it happen, but overall when you look back at it, you say you were happy throwing that party. This term was also applied to parenting; when you look at the minutue of each thing you do to parent each day, you might not get happiness from many of those details of the parenting, yet when someone asks you what makes you happiest in your life, you say your children. Hence the term, fog happiness.

Food for thought.

In the same book vein, I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. (As always my book links take you to Amazon... initially because, why not? and now, because my husband works there so why not support the cause?)

I found this book really interesting once I got into it, and filled with surprises. Theirs is a caustic relationship, but that is what makes this read all the more fascinating. I recommend it!

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