Sunday, January 9, 2011

This ain't my first rodeo

We reluctantly took down our Christmas things this weekend. Very reluctantly. I've been clinging onto Christmas the way Lindsey Lohan must have clung to her last appletini before rehab claimed her for the 39th time. Even Jack said that "he felt really glum taking all of the Christmas down". Yes he said glum folks. If anyone doesn't think they learn much in 2nd grade you might have to reconsider. Rob and I cannot even pass the multiple choice science worksheets he is bringing home. Which of these is a physical change? Cheese melting? A cake baking? Toast burning? Good God how did we know all of this at one time? Focus Rachel, focus.

It sure makes me feel glum too. Doesn't your house look so plain and empty once it's all gone? Suddenly there are corners recently filled with something and now empty that scream FILL ME WITH SOMETHING FESTIVE AND COLORFUL! Do you think home interior stores benefit from the after Christmas decoration taking down glums?

We went to a rodeo Friday night. And while it WAS the first rodeo for all the boys in the family, it wasn't my first rodeo. C'mon I lived in Oklahoma! What do you think we did for fun besides rodeos and calf fries? Which BTW I refused to ever taste. Watching all of the bull riders was fun but one of the highlights for me was the Mutton ride; 5-7 year old boys, all decked out in their cowboy boots, hats and plaid shirts tucked into their jeans with a little belt, riding sheep to beat the band. They would lay down on top of the sheep and hold on so tight around their necks as they ran around the ring until they slid off into the dust. It was priceless.

And, if you were wondering, we had success at the dentist office this past week! Yee hah! I wasn't in there (maybe why it went well?) but when they called me back I got a good report (with no details) so we can call it a successful dentist visit.

And finally, those pesky NY resolutions. I think it actually just stresses me out making them. I feel defeated because of not fulfilling past promises. So it's probably all of the same things I usually am working on. Last year's resolutions involved losing weight/getting healthier, spending more quality time with the boys, and spending more quality time with God. The only one I feel I did pretty well on was spending better time with the boys. Which is a pretty important one really. So, the furthest I've gotten for 2011 resolutions is to quit plucking my new white hairs that grow in and stick straight up on the top of my head. Which I've done pretty well on so far save the 2 or so I pulled out the other night. Progress is baby steps.

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