Monday, January 10, 2011

Book reviews

I took a quick break from memoirs and just finished reading Stephen King's latest book,
This book is a collection of 4 short stories. What I love about them is that although the stories can make you feel scared to turn the light off at night, that isn't the driving purpose of the stories. The intent is to try to understand how regular, ordinary people like you and I might find themselves in awful circumstances and show the human side of how they got there, how they feel, and how they handle the situation. All the stories involve murder of some sort, but the intent is to see behind the person and what motivations a person  might have to do what they do. It's easy to read a news headline and make judgements on how something is so unbelievable, that person is a monster, how could this or that  happen or not, but it's another to get a chance to 'look into the mind' of that person.

Now that I finished that one, I'm ready to dive into a new book on my shelf. I have a handful of books that I picked up at garage sales over the summer, and the one I chose to start tonight is this:

I am returning to my newest love, memoirs. What I like about the memoirs I have been reading lately is the honesty of the author in recounting their lives. I may lose my love of memoirs if I read a celebrity memoir which was meant to 'let you inside' their lives but told you nothing honest. So far, the memoirs I've ready lately are written by people who have nothing to lose by letting you in to see their honest feelings, thoughts and motivations. Hope this one is good!


  1. Yeah, I know you're a big King fan, but I only read one of his books and it totally gave me the heebie-jeevies.

    I too love memoirs. It seems like forever since I last read a good memoir book. I might have to look into some of the ones you've read recently.

  2. I love you are doing book reviews! This one sounds intriguing!!


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