Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cletus and Buckwheat

Somehow we have transformed into the Beverly Hillbillies seemingly overnight.

This one here's Cletus:
I got me a front tooth that can lay sideways! Yee hah!

Thankfully that sad tooth finally let go today. I was a little embarrassed for him walking around with it poking through his lips.

And this one raht here's known aroun' these parts as Buckwheat:

He's got him an attitude word tee shirt!

Now, I've never been one for the attitude word shirts. You know, I'm with Stupid, or Bun in the Oven with an arrow pointing at a pregnant belly. And kids word shirts are abundant as well but I've never even mildly been interested in buying one. You know, I've Got a Party in My Pants, things of that nature. But then, Jack saw this one (at Children's Place for goodness sakes, an upstanding citizen of the kids retail world) and just had to have it. He even wore it to bed last night. Look how happy he is with this on!

So I've hung up my pride and I will send him to school in the 'tude T.
All in the name of love.


  1. HA! You are too funny!
    At Isabella's last dentist appointment they told her two of her bottom teeth were loosening and she'd be losing them in a few months,... yeah, that was 6 months ago! She's dying to shed a tooth or two.
    Oh, and I love Jack's shirt. It's colorful and has just the right amount of attitude.
    Love you!

  2. Luke, Grandma can't wait to see your great smile!
    Jack, Grandma likes your very colorful shirt!

  3. I couldn't agree with your more on the attitude shirts! I kid you not- a couple of months ago I saw a five or six year old girl with a shirt on that said "My parents are stupid." Seriously? Who bought her that shirt and why?
    It is cute, though, that Jack was so excited about his shirt. Gracie has a closet full of clothes, but she has one shirt that she wears almost every Monday. It will be a sad day around here when she outgrows it!


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