Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby!

This past week, on Monday, little Josie evolved from our baby to our toddler.

I told the boys that once she turned two, she was no longer in the baby world but officially a toddler, so we couldn't call her baby anymore. Needless to say, Sunday night was sprinkled with as many hi baby! hi baby! hi baby's as we could fit in. (Of course we haven't officially ended all baby language but we are trying).

Saturday, we celebrated in a small but special way our little one turning 2 and her mama turning 39 plus 2.

So pensive but captures the times. She is difficult to get a picture smiling due to a streak of stubborness.

Brothers and cousins got to eat snow in a bowl with chocolate syrup.

So fun to watch!

Just like her mama does not like everyone looking at her! (or singing!)

Extra special because it was Grandpa's birthday the day of the party!

The yearly birthday glasses picture-hoping by 3 she'll cooperate with this!

The actual birthday. See the pensive look?

79 shots later I got a smile.
I cannot express how thankful we are that we got another shot at this. After all of the heartache and loss and loss of hope leading up to this little girl, I am so glad we did not give up. She gives us all so much joy and happiness and I feel so lucky we were blessed with her. 



  1. So wonderful to see the pictures and more sorry that we could not make it to the party! She and you were thought of a lot! So precious!!!!!!!

    M Miller

  2. A very belated Happy Birthday to you both! Such beautiful girls :) We must catch up soon! Happy 2014


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