I recently had an experience at my local Walgreens I thought I should share.
Luke and I popped in to Walgreens to print out some pictures for his posterboard he was taking to class since it was his turn to be the star of the week.
As we sat waiting for the 736 pictures from my memory card to load up, I noticed that there was a typo in one of the signs the store had posted, referring to themselves as a 'preffered pharmacy'. And this sign was plastered everywhere. On the front doors, next to the pharmacy, and here, next to the photo machines. Now, you must know this about me. I can't let a typo go by unmentioned. I never seem to miss seeing a typo, and once I've seen it, I feel it must be shared. It's just something in me that I truly believe stems from a good intention of wanting a store to know about it because if it were
my store, I would want to know so I could correct it. And for some reason, some of us were born good spellers and some of us weren't, so let's just look at it as sharing our God given talent.
So, as the cashier, a 25-30ish male, strolls past, I decide now is the time to let him know. It goes something like this:
"Hi, hey, I just wanted to let you know that you have a typo in this sign here. See, where is says preffered? That should actually have two 'r's' instead of two 'f''s'. Sorry, I just can't help but notice typos whenever I see them. It's sort of like a
sickness I have, where I just can't help but notice typos."
At this point, he is still standing there blankly staring at me, so in true Rachel style, I continue talking to fill in the gap.
"You know, back in
college, I always remembered how to spell that word this way: prefer red. Like I prefer red. They you can remember there are two r's instead of f's. And since you have that sign all over your store, I just thought you should know."
Here was his response:
Blank stare.
He said absolutely nothing. First he gave me a blank stare, and then he walked away.
I said ALL of that above and he said nothing. And then he walked away.
Rob says that I lost him with the phrase, "Back in college..."
I sort of think I lost him at 'hello'.
Editor's Note:
On a return visit, I was truly shocked and amazed to see the signs had not changed.
I was not really shocked or amazed.
But I told the pharmacist about it. We'll see what happens now.