Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We visited my grandma this past weekend. This now completes the introductions for Josie to her immediate family. It was great to see her so active and well at 88, and I think she really enjoyed our company as well. I kick myself so often for letting so much time pass in between visits, and I don't want to regret anything when she, my last grandparent, is gone, so I am really glad we visited.

With my Aunt Yvonne

Playing outside at grandma's

When we got home and were driving up our driveway, I noticed this owl, and when I got out my camera to take a picture, I saw there was another owl in a tree behind this one. See them both in the top picture? I thought they were too cool! But of course wished for a better camera to capture it. It's on our shortlist for "things we want". They hooted like mad at 5:55 a.m. Guess how I know that. Smile.

And a few more just because:

Daycare for stuffed animals. Because we just believe that strongly in safety for man or beast.

Oh yeah, and remember this classic?

We were remembering and laughing about this with friends over the baptism weekend. Of course Luke 'all ears' Miller heard it, so when we went to check on him a few days later before bed, not only did he have the duck stuffed in his pants (seen above), but he also had Mick, his stuffed dog, and a small travel pillow. It was a true party in his pants.

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