Sunday, February 5, 2012

It seems nowadays I rarely have a topic that I want to go in depth into on a blog posts, I just have a series of random thoughts. So maybe this is the new thing for me for a while. At least until I can make a collection of thoughts worthy of a "topic". Or maybe I have ADHD and can't focus long enough on one thing to be considered a "topic". Or maybe it's just having a 8 week old baby.

I don't know.

Whatever. For what it's worth...

*There is nothing like the time spent in a hospital with your husband and a brand new baby. As I think back on each time this has happened, I feel that the time you are cocooned away from the real world in that quiet place, staring in awe at your new baby, is something that cannot be replicated anywhere. It is amazing and I don't know if there is anything you can do to feel more connected to your spouse. I'm so thankful even on our third baby that we were able to spend this time together before coming back home to our loud and busy life.

*I feel like a failure if I have sandwiches for dinner. Sandwiches are totally acceptable for a Saturday or snow day lunch, but for dinner, I can tell I haven't given it my A game. HOWEVER, I made a nice crock pot dinner for tonight so, WINNING! Onion goggles and all!!

*Luke came into our bedroom at 6:30 last Saturday morning, with his pillow and his stuffed animals, requesting that he might climb into our bed and sleep wiff us. I am quite sure that if he was able to say with instead of wiff, he might not have made it into our bed at 6:30, but gosh darnit, can you resist when a little kid asks if he can sleep wiff you? I don't know how.

*I am consumed with my hair right now. I had an appointment on Wednesday, and decided that since my natural color is getting so far from what I like it to look like, I should color it instead of highlighting it. However, the first inch or so from my scalp looks now like I am in 8th grade experimenting with Sun-In. I know any kid who grew up in the 80's knows just what look I am talking about. And, there is a streak or two on the sides above my ears that turned out in the white/blue family. I am embarressed to go out in public with it, but when I called my hairstylist to discuss, she ended up making me feel like I have unrealistic expectations of what my hair should be able to do with a color. Really? Then why not advise me against it in the first place? How about, even though I thought it looked great, the most important thing is for you to be happy with your hair so why don't you come in so we can fix it. So, I'm going back in today to hopefully get it adjusted while trying to convince her that there is even a problem in the first place.

I think it's time to break up with her.

Why is breaking up with your hairstylist so hard?

*My clothes have actually started to mock me in my closet. I hear them every time I walk by.

*I'm loving two new shows. Portlandia is on Friday nights on IFC channel. So funny. Directed by Lorne Michaels of SNL if that tells you much so sometimes it's way out there. Also, Napoleon Dynamite, animated! Love it.

*I'm  not as proud to admit to my Kardashian watching as of late. You see, I'm in a recliner for a good part of my days with the baby girl, so you have to turn on something, and, well, the Kardashians are always on E channel, so it sort of happened by accident. It is wildly entertaining despite being completely over the top and as far from our lives as it can be.
Oh my. Need I say more?

Just proof for the future that a mommy really did exist and didn't just take all the pictures

The boys said, "We made Josie!"

What girl doesn't need to lounge around in her robe every now and then?

And, finally, here's what happens when you leave a baby unattended:

One of these things is not like the other....


  1. I love that you're taking lots of pictures of your sweet baby girl (and I can't wait to love on her!). I love that you have decided to break up with your stylist (and I'd do just about anything for just a minute alone with her!). And I love that you're blogging (and I hate that I can't seem to sit down and write, even though I have shit loads of things I wanna say!).

    Love ya!

  2. Love the updates! Looks like the boys are protecting Josie with their "guys, etc". Love ya all!
    Mom Miller


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