Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here are some recent Luke conversations or quotes:

*"If you are in the middle of nowhere, where are you?"

*I was explaining how I had accidentally left the gas station without remembering to pay for something, and tried to explain the difference between accidentally forgetting to pay, and deliberately walking out without paying, which would be stealing. Luke thought for a moment, and said, "Well, at least you weren't wearing black! That's good!" When I asked why, he said, "Well, robbers usually wear black and have a big bag over their shoulder with lots of coins in it."

*We went out to eat recently and I asked if anyone wanted to join me at Target. Luke surprised me by saying he would. As we walked into the store, I reminded him that he shouldn't ask me for an Icee or a cookie, because we'd just eaten. He said, "What? That's why I came with you!"
Later, as he was asking for yet another item to be put in the cart, he prefaced it like this: "It would make my heart warm if you would buy this for me." And yes, it worked, because I did buy the chocolate chip oatmeal for him.  Then I said, "Geez Luke, you sure are begging for a lot of things this trip! You usually don't beg so much." As we neared the end of the trip, he dropped his head down and said, "I'm so ashamed. I'm just so ashamed." When I asked him why, he said, "I'm so ashamed because I was begging so much. " I told him I forgave him.

* "I wish God would just get babies out instead of being in your belly."
"Because bellies just bump into everything."
Hmm. Guess I need to watch all the things I am apparently bumping into and annoying him with.

*And today, we had this one:
"What does your pee pee look like?"
"I don't have one. Girls have different private parts."
"I know. "A" (his friend who is a girl) has a pee pee that looks like a butt."
"How do you know?"
"Because she showed me one time and I showed her mine."

Yikes. That is a conversation I'm not looking forward to having with A's mom. But what do you say? Kids are curious! And I guess, compared to what a pee pee looks like, it would look like a butt to him.

This kid sure keeps me jumping. And laughing.


  1. OMG!!! Girl, you are definitely in trouble with this one! HA! He is just too darn cute and funny!

    BTW, how are you liking The Book Thief? I loved that book. I thought it was beautifully written.

    Oh, and I just saw you have The Hunger Games in your line-up. I really liked this series, but I can't help but wonder if you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Curious to hear your thoughts on this one.

    Love ya!!!

  2. Oh! These comments just made my day! Leave it to "The Mouths' of Babes"! What will they think of next. Keep them coming!

    Hope all is well! Love ya all! Need a new Rachel picture update!

    Mom Miller

  3. LOL love it! Once, when Daniel was little,and Kaylyn was a baby, he said to a friend "I know what a girl looks like." (referring to her private parts) "It's just a crack!" Had to laugh. They are so funny!


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