Sunday, June 27, 2010

As if

As if Luke hasn't had enough of a party going on in his mouth this week, we had even more action.

He lost his first tooth! At age 4!

Before; "Look mom, I can push it down at a 90 degree angle! (Note silver teeth in background!)

After (with peanut butter on face for extra effect)
Note roadrash on forehead and nose from fall this weekend

I guess it really shouldn't be ALL that surprising. These here Miller boys are all grown up like in the teeth department. Jack got his first tooth at 3 months. Great news for the nursing mother! And, Jack also lost his first tooth at 4. But still, Luke somehow just seems so young to be without a tooth!

Well, this will only add to his "I'm having a rough day/I'm on a bender/Does anyone know how I got home last night? look that he is sporting now. With the mouth full of silver, the missing tooth, and the roadrash face, he certainly looks like he's been around the block a few times and you better not look at him the wrong way 'cause he's not messing around.

And, I have to say, I hate the silver. I knew I would. And if I can teach anyone a lesson in judgement here, learn from me. If you see a little kid with a mouthful of silver, don't judge. Because I have done it myself. As in, sees kid's mouth and thinks to self, WOW! Look at that kids mouth! They must drink pop/eat candy/never brush! Boy, am I glad I feed my kid healthy so he won't look like that! But you know what, sometimes, it just happens. So even though your kid has never had a pop, only gets juice for special occasions, and doesn't eat gummy vitamins or fruit snacks so they won't stick in their teeth, they still might end up with this. And eventually, I know I'll be ok with it. 


  1. Hey Rachel! I love the "About Me" section on your blog. SO well written and a perfect description of you! Miss you!

  2. I am lovin that second picture of Luke. LOL!!

  3. This is crazy to me! Now he seriously looks SO big.


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