Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stix update

Ok, so I have some big news.

You know how I'm all, we live in the {relative}sticks now, and so while that is mostly grand, I miss certain parts of city livin' such as pizza delivery.

You might want to sit down.

We can get Domino's pizza delivery at our house.


I was so excited when I first learned of this that I think we ordered it on Friday night for 3 weeks in a row.

This girl loves pizza so this was an event for me.

So, along those same lines, being a "sticks liver", it has also proven quite difficult to get any sort of decent Internet service. I had high speed where we lived before, so I know what that was like, making my current Internet reality that much more frustrating. For example, I watched a Lowe's video on preparing your floor for tile and the video claimed to be 5:34 but it took me about 15+ minutes to watch it. Start-stop-start-stop. I'm surprised I don't see that little twirly circle that indicates loading while I sleep.

Soooo, I have repeatedly called the closest to high speed around here company (DSL!) to see when/if/how I could get it. A common answer went something like, "Hmm, I really dunno, but you know, if you ever see a worker around there with a truck, stop and ask them! They'll probably know!".


So on the way home yesterday, I stopped by and was delighted to see the worker was not only a woman, but a grandma! When do you see grandma being the one to work on the utility box? Anyway, I told her my sob story, and she said, "well, there is an employee referral program, let me just get your name, number, and address, I'll make a few calls and see what I can do".


I might get DSL in my house! I only had to make 8 phone calls to the company, and physically stalk the worker at the box, but it just might happen! Who knew?

My joy is unbridled.

Pizza delivery and the possibility of DSL  here on the plantation. It's been a good week.


  1. Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie!!!

    (A) I know how much you love pizza. And I'm super stoked it's not Papa John's ;)
    (B) I know how much you love a good spankin'.
    (C) I know how crappy your internet speed is. Slugs can Google faster... just sayin!

    Iowa, meet civilization. Civilization, meet Iowa!

    Woo Hoo!!!

    And yes, he was by my house, and we sat on the sofa. We sipped Chai tea and did each others' nails. Sigh!

  2. That is very good news my friend...WOO HOO!!!From one pizza lovin gal to another.


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